Friday, April 9, 2010

A brief history

Growing up I never considered if I would be a mother or not, I just lived my life. I thought if it happened then it would and if it didn’t then it wouldn’t. Of course, I also thought my life would turn out differently than it has but, who doesn’t think that?

As a young girl I dreamed of the stage and stardom but, reality came crashing down when I discovered, to my surprise, I could not sing or act. I was crushed for two whole weeks. Who needed fame and fortune anyway?

Then, I thought I would become a missionary. The romantic calling of exotic far away lands, nursing the feverish brows of hansom young men back to health, spreading the Good News. The only thing was no one ever told me was far away lands did not have toilets or anything to wipe your butt with and the bugs are HUGE! (I have traveled so know what I am talking about) No one could convince me that I was destined to live without room service and at the very least a toilet so doing God’s work was out. On to the next career choice….

Student! I am THE eternal student. It is a never ending pursuit for that piece of paper to hang on my wall which says I have completed four years of the bullshit drama that is higher education. Ok, I must admit I have entered into and removed myself from college several times but, all were for good reason. As a teen fresh from high school I went to community college for three months only to be kicked out of the home I was living in with the parental units. Being homeless and going to school did not work. I tried again in my twenties and actually completed two years and transferred to a university. The “university” was a very small private school that did not manage their debt very well so they had to close their doors… no more school. Now, for a third time in my life I am in school but, this time is different than any other. I am a wife and a mother trying to find a balance between grocery shopping, housework, homework, dishes, paying bills, and trying to have a meaningful relationship with my husband and son. Plus, the cat is mental.

Stay tuned…..

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